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Hosted by John Saxon

Actor John Saxon, who has appeared in eighty feature films -- including Nightmare On Elm Street, The Appaloosa, Beverly Hills Cop 3, Death of a Gunfighter, The Electric Horseman, Enter the Dragon, and Fever Pitch -- is here to discuss films and their writers, directors, and actors. Scroll down for news and commentary from Mr. Saxon.

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General message from John Saxon:

Many ask my for biographical details, others ask about particular kinds of films, like Horror, or Sci Fi...

So, I'm mentioning that a friend and former assistant director I worked with by the name of Charles Ziarko wrote an article about me for a magazine called ULTRA FILMFAX..# 65. It's a big mag, and not cheap, so browse it if you can before coughing up $9.95.

John Saxon

Fellow Film Forum-ers: To those who frequently ask about 'Hollywood" and are curious about it, I'd like to mention a book called "A Hollywood Education" - Tales of Movie Dreams & Easy Money..." written by David Freeman.. The book is a series of fictional short stories about a journalist coming to Hollywood in the mid eighties.. The stories are all well written, and informative and touching.. I checked and found the book is available in paperback online ...

I'd like to mention that I particularly liked the film "Elizabeth" since it gave insight to connections between celebrity, royalty and deity..

Having been on the Foreign Film nominating committee I'd recommend, "Children of Heaven", an Iranian film, "The Grandfather", a Spanish film, and, for those with a capacity to deal with very strong emotions, a Japanese film called "Begging for Love"; as its title suggests, it is about a woman who was abused and viciously beaten by her mother as a child, but who still longed for her mother's love...; gutwrenching!

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